Frontend And Backend Development major differnce

I started as a back end developer and work on that for about 3 years. Then I went into management and worked on that for about 3 years and now I am a front end developer and has been doing that for 4 years.

Now that I’ve been doing FE for 4 years I can see in some projects that I’m currently working on how PHP and JAVA have evolved (from when I was a BE developer) and I wish I had more time to learn more and dive deeply into them (again), and specially work on real projects using them. I miss databases as well and I remember I loved to handle complex logic stuff in the BE.

On the other hand, I think that FE has evolved A LOT in the recent years and now there are a ton of things that you can do and that could be complex and interesting as well (like heavy logic SPAs, dynamic templating, using SASS power to handle things like theming in a nicer fashion, React, Babel, Gulp, TypeScript) and I enjoy it. And my previous experience as BE developer has helped me hugely to be a better FE developer.

So in my humble opinion, I think it depends on what you like more. But if you want to continue working with both, I guess full stack developer is the go to path. However, there’s a downsize to that and it is that I don’t think you can really get to know BE or FE very deeply unless you are extremely dedicated and spend a lot of time doing research and keeping you up to date with trending techniques, tools and technologies.

Another point is that if you choose a specific field you’ll be more likely specialized in that field after some time and you could earn more money because of that specialized knowledge you have.

I am personally thinking to start diving more in native mobile applications or machine learning. But who knows, at the end everything is just code and logic (at least to me) and the nice thing is that we have a lot of options in this field.


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