Role of java in Creating DevOps Applications

What is DevOps:

Our respondents identified the top three skill areas for DevOps staff:

  • Coding or scripting
  • Process re-engineering
  • Communicating and collaborating with others

These skills all point to a growing recognition that software isn’t written in the old way anymore. Where software used to be written from scratch in a highly complex and lengthy process, creating new products is now often a matter of choosing open source components and stitching them together with code. The complexity of today’s software lies less in the authoring, and more in ensuring that the new software will work across a diverse set of operating systems and platforms right away. Likewise, testing and deployment are now done much more frequently. That is, they can be more frequent — if developers communicate early and regularly with the operations team, and if ops people bring their knowledge of the production environment to design of testing and staging environments.

Here is a cycle of DevOps:

Why Learning Java Is Best Way to do DevOps based Applications:

Java DevOps is simply following the DevOps practices and philosophies for Java app development to obtain better and rapid development.

Some of the procedures you should know are:

  • Continuous integration
    In this process, an updated version of the code is integrated at some particular interval(for example:- In sprints in agile methodology). UAT and build follow after each version and hence bugs are removed at particular stages and hence code remains clean and bug-free.
  • Continuous delivery
    So after the code is integrated and tested, it needs to be built and deployed on the production from the development stage.
  • Microservices
    Instead of bigger applications, the whole application can be made up of smaller applications. For example- Let’s say we are building a web application. Then it can be made of many loosely coupled, easily independently deployable parts. Eg- web app following MVC architecture.
  • Infrastructure as a code
    It simply means to use the code to auto process many things. This kind of code is usually deployed on the cloud and is executed automatically sometimes. For example, some tools can be used to install other software by automating the installation process.

Tools for DevOps

  • Jenkins
    Jenkins allows performing the repeated steps. It allows the maintenance of a chain-cycle in which different processes can be defined. Using this, the process of integration and build can be automated. DevOps teams to integrate project changes more easily and access outputs for quickly identifying problems.
  • Visual Studio IDE
    This Microsoft based IDE has some features which allow synchronizing with the version control system sites like Github etc. It also allows the deployment on the cloud-like Azure etc.
  • Docker and Kubernetes
    These are the trending tools today. Docker is a container which resolves the dependency issue. It enables to create a virtual environment. The best thing about Kubernetes is that it has totally consumed the Docker and also it can automatically scale the number of servers according to the traffic.

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