What are the features Angular 8 features

Angular 8 Updates And Summary of New Features is today’s topic. Angular 8 arrives with an impressive list of changes and improvements including the much-anticipated Ivy compiler as an opt-in feature.

CLI workflow improvements

The CLI is continuing to improve, and now the ng buildng test and ng run are equipped to be extended by 3rd-party libraries and tool. For example, AngularFire already makes use of these new capabilities with a deploy command.

 Web workers

JavaScript is single threaded by definition. Because of this, it is common for more critical tasks like data calls to take place asynchronously. This doesn’t help with elaborate calculations. Those especially are becoming more and more common with an extensive JavaScript solutions, which is why we support the almost all browser web workers by now. They are the scripts that a browser runs in an own thread. Communication with a thread in the browser tab takes place via sending messages.

While web workers have nothing to do with Angular per se, they must be taken into consideration in the build. The goal is to provide one bundle for every web worker. The new Angular CLI accomplishes this task.

 W eb workers allow you to run the CPU intensive computations in the background thread, freeing the main thread to update the user interface.

If you find your application becomes unresponsive while processing data, using Web Workers can help.

 To outsource such a calculation to a background, we must first create the web worker using the Angular CLI.

ng generate worker n-queens

Dynamic imports for lazy routes

Lazy-loaded routes now use the standard dynamic import syntax instead of a custom string. This means that TypeScript and linters will be better able to complain when modules are missing or misspelled.

So a lazy-loaded import that looked like this.

{ path: '/student', loadChildren: './student/student.module#StudentModule' }

Will now look like this.

{ path: `/student`, loadChildren: () => import(`./student/student.module`).then(s => s.StudentModule) }

The change in syntax will be taken care of for you if you’re using the ng upgrade command to upgrade your app. Differential loading

Your Angular 8 apps will now be automagically more performant, thanks to differential loading.

With differential loading, two bundles are created when building for production: a bundle for modern browsers that support ES2015+ and a bundle for older browsers that only support the ES5 version of JavaScript. The correct bundle will be loaded automatically by the browser, thanks to the support of ES6 modules in newer browsers.

This new feature results in the most significant single performance improvement for Angular v8. More modern browsers will be able to load less code and load a much smaller amount of polyfills.

Finally, Angular 8 Updates And Summary of New Features article is over.


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